Festivals and Events
Engaging presentations and workshops for your festival or event
Let us entertain and engage your participants at your next festival and event. We have a range of exciting, hands-on activities that are sure to wow the crowds:
Aquatic scientists
Bee keeping
Chemical sciences shows and workshops
Giant bubble shows and workshops
Aquatic Scientists
As kids dip their nets into our ponds, their adults reminisce about their own childhoods spent with nets down at the creek.
Our aquatic scientist festival and event activities include:
Yabby catching;
Macroinvertebrate (water bug) catching;
Science stations with microscopes;
Art and engineering stations for participants to construct their own bug or remodel a waterway

Get hands on with a range of weird and wonderful critters including butterflies, caterpillars, giant litter bugs, stick insects and yabbies.
Participants can:
Feed and hold our animals
Use microscopes to zoom in on the amazing features of our animals
Create bugs with our art activities
Catch bugs in our ponding trays.

Bee keeping
Join us on an amazing discovery of bees, the unBEElievable order of the colony and importance of bees in the environment.
We safely display bees in sealed observation frame, showing the bees and their BEEhaviour, wax comb, larvae, pollen and honey stores.
Learn about how to create a bee-friendly garden
Find out more about our fascinating native bees and how to help them
Learn about bee keeping and the fascinating lives of honey bees
Compare honey from different types of blossom

Giant bubble shows and workshops
Giant bubbles with their iridescent patterns bring wonder and joy to any outdoor event. Our bubble shows are interactive and engaging and include our super cooled bouncing bubbles, filled with dry-ice fog.
What makes us different is that we can add a workshop component to our bubble shows, teaching participants about how to make their own bubble mix and bubble wands from everyday materials.
Create joy and play at your event
Amazing bouncing boo-bubbles
Bubble demonstrations
Bubble mix and bubble wand workshops.
(There is $40 per hour surcharge for materials for this package)

Mad scientist shows and workshops
Our shows and workshops are hands-on and more than a little bit fun.
We demonstrate how simple ingredients that you can find at home and at the supermarkets can be transformed into awesome, engaging science experiences.
Catch fog from dry ice in bouncing boo-bubbles
Launch fizz-rockets
Defy gravity
Create fountains of foam
Be amazed at squishy, stretchy polymers!
(There is $40 per hour surcharge for materials for this package)

We are the education provider for you because:
We are experienced working in partnership with local governments and other organisations;
Our experience ranges from biodiversity education to stakeholder engagement for Master Plans;
We work with you to impart your messages while we interact with participants;
Our activities can be tailored to you.
One Presenter - $275 +GST/hour
Two Presenters - $500 +GST/hour
Minimum duration : 3 hours.