Our Incursions
Our incursions bring science to life! Students get hands-on in our visits and we use a variety of teaching strategies to cater for different learning styles.
Our aim is to make incursions just as much fun as they are educational... we harness kids' natural enthusiasm and curiosity to ensure that plenty of good times (and a little bit of dirt, slime and generally fun stuff) is all part of the session. With years of experience, we reckon we have the balance just about right!
All incursions align with the Victorian Curriculum and link to other cross-curricular priorities including maths, literacy, history, and design & technology.
We supply FREE pre- and post-incursion lessons, giving you three lessons for the price of one! The post-incursion activity also includes an assessable task, (think of how useful this will be when it's report-writing time!).
Biological Sciences
Marvellous Minibeasts
Your students become minibeast experts in this hands-on session that includes stick insects, butterflies, yabbies and more. Together we explore their features, adaptations and role in the environment. More info...
Water Bug Detectives
Under the surface of the seemingly tranquil waterway, a terrible crime has occurred. Join us on an investigation to discover the perpetrator and the roles of food webs, interdependence and adaptations. More info...
Get the kids outside: We’re Kitchen Garden specialists, Frog Pond consultants and Butterfly Garden designers. Available for one-off sessions or a series of lessons as part of an ongoing project or investigation. More info...
Bee’s Knees Bee Incursions
Live bees presented safely in an amazing classroom experience! Join us on an amazing discovery of bees, the unBEElievable order of the colony and importance of bees in the environment. More info…
Chemical Sciences
Super Science​
Have the camera ready to capture your students’ expressions as they make slime, create giant bubbles and defy gravity! Experimenting is the perfect way to explore scientific inquiry skills and cause and effect. More info...
Physical Sciences
​Terrific Toys
Mention toys and kids’ eyes immediately light up! Join us on an investigation of toys, their history and the science behind how they function. More info...
Vacation Care Incursions
Our Creepy Crawlies, and Super Science incursions will keep kids engaged and entertained. More info...